10 persons, 4 rooms
Str. Principală, Nr.145
Valeni, Maramures
Casa Nemeș Guesthouse offers accommodation in Văleni, Maramureș. It is an accommodation unit with 4 double rooms where extra bed can be requested. Thus, 10 people can be accommodated. Each room has its own bathroom, TV, WiFi and wardrobe wardrobe cabinet. When you book accommodation at Casa Nemeș, Văleni, you must take into account the entire experience you will receive: a cart ride on the house, ...traditional organic food on the satiated with products from your own household, rooms arranged in a traditional style or wearing traditional costumes.
And what can be more beautiful when looking for accommodation in Maramures, than to feel this authentic spirit of the place that is also called "the land of wood"? And at the Casa Nemeș guesthouse you will be able to admire the traditional gate or other elements of the building that are carved with craftsmanship to keep alive the beauty of the craft in wood. On our terrace you will be able to quietly serve the coffee or the hand prepared with love, while you can admire the natural landscape around you.
In Văleni, walking, hiking in the surrounding hills or cycling help you have an active holiday through which to interact with the locals. An advantage when booking accommodation in Văleni is that you can plan a route to many important tourist attractions in the area. Nemeș House is located near them. Right in Văleni you can visit the Spindle with Zurgălăi, a unique objective in the world. Barsana with all its objectives is located just 5 km from us. In fact, all over the Iza Valley you can visit old villages with an interesting history, hardworking and hearty people. You just have to get off the main roads to the meadow and pasture areas and you get to a quiet world where it's just you with nature, away from the unleashed world.
Văleni village, Maramureș is famous for this authentic spirit that has been well preserved.
That's why we invite you to spend your holiday in Valeni at Casa Nemeș!
Breakfast, lunch or dinner is offered on request.
10 persons, 4 rooms , 4 bathrooms
*breakfast not included
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5 km - Stațiunea balneo-climaterică Ocna Șugatag
5 km - Bârsana, Muzeul Școlar, ce cuprinde colecții de obiecte și inventar școlar de epocă;
10 km - Vadu Izei, Vâltoarea și Cazanele de fiert Țuica în stil maramureșean;
20 km - Sighetu Marmației, Muzeul Satului Maramureșean, este un muzeu zonal având ca arie de reprezentare provincia istorică Maramureș;
25 km - Sighetu Marmației, Memorialul Victimelor Comunismului și al Rezistenței;
24 km - Ieud, Biserica de Lemn din Ieud Deal inclusă în Patrimoniul Mondial UNESCO;
20 km - Cavnic, Pârtiile de Schi;
39 km - Săpânța, Cimitirul Vesel faimos pentru crucile viu colorate și versurile cu nuanțele umoristice de pe acestea;
39 km - Săcel, Atelier de Olărit Tănase Burnar, ceramica de Săcel se caracterizează prin culoarea roșie și realizarea după metode dace a obiectelor din ceramică;
42 km - Vișeu de Sus, Mocănița pe Valea Vaserului, este unica cale ferată forestieră activă din Carpați, se organizează călătorii pentru turiști cu trenuri cu abur;
55 km - Moisei, Monumentul Martirilor Români;
61 km - Borșa, Cascada Cailor, care este cea mai mare cascadă din România, cu o căderea de apă de 90m înălțime;
65 km - Complex Borșa, Pârtia de Schi.
4 double rooms, in which extra bed can be required.
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